Get Involved

There are lots of ways to get involved in Burnley Words Festival 2025! Whether you’re a local writer, a keen reader, a budding musician, or community group, here you will find all our latest call outs, projects and opportunities.

Local Writers Night

We have teamed up with The Mechanics Theatre Presents… project to host regular Local Writers’ Night in The Front Room. Find out more here.

Local Writers

In the run up to the festival we will be sharing a number of call outs, commissions and opportunities for local writers to share their talents, including our ‘Now Listen ‘Ere’ project. Keep an eye out on this page for the latest opportunity, or join our mailing list.

Have an idea for an event you’d like to organise for the festival? Or another project you’d like to tell us more about? We are always open to hearing from local writers, get in touch with Stephie [email protected]

Community Groups

Run a community group and looking for new projects to get involved with? Burnley Words Festival would love to hear from you! Alongside the more obviously ‘wordy’ events and projects, we are passionate about enabling Burnley people, from all walks of lives to tell their story, in whatever way best suits them! Get in touch with Stephie [email protected]

Authors, Publishers & Artists

Do you have an event or a book you would like to share as part of Burnley Words Festival 2023? Get in touch with [email protected] to find out more about our Authors Stage and Book Market.

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Opportunities for local writers, artists and community groups

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